About the Cravendale:
1) I like the technical of the scenes, techniques of animation and the playing music. The camera work is well made and the scenes are in colour.
The video is very creative and funny, he/she making the characters to be suitable as the customers and the servants. The scenes were made of randomly animation.
2) I watched all animation of 14 videos and it gave me idea to create a animation of 'making' characters's movements and their mouth 'talking'.
3) I could try creative, scenes, techniques of animation or mix of techniques, colours especially bloody red and the sound with fonts or titles, The background shall be black as dark scene and characters can be monsters like the halloween, sound effects shall be 'human's terrify voices' and music effects will be horror tune. The graphs can be drawn of full moon and the graveyard or forest.
4) I can try draw my favourite manga characters on paper and draw their animation of outline first, and second when i finished the drawing animation, i will upload them into photoshop and colour them and also the background.
4.1) Print the skills of animation (Characters)
4,2) Draw them on paper and create scenes.
4.3) Upload the drawings on photoshop.
4.4) Colour them and the background
4.5) Set them all together.
4.6) Upload the animation on Tumblr, Youtube and Deviantart.
For e.g.
1) She created a short animation of Fairy Tail school version on Photoshop CS4, and this is her idea from her dream to set her favourite couple on class version.
She drawn 6 animation on paper and colour them on photoshop, then she copied the background from video or photos on google, and creating face expressions, and the speech, she also put the texts on the bottom of their mouth animation.
2) And second animation is the two characters, laying under grass and looking at each other with blush.
- Face expressions
- Turning their movements (heads)
- 11 drawings.
E4 videos:
1) E4 New Beginnings ->
2) Pillow Fight ->
3) How did that get there? ->
4) Possum's Dreamy Delivery ->
5) Carpe Diem ->